Friday, April 15, 2011

Things could always be worse

I have been wining and complaining about my month long cold and our crappy wet & cold weather that has put a big dent in my needed training and now I realize that things could always be worse.

One of our team members "Alun from Wales" was out on a training ride today and got tangled with a dog. Alun ended up with his arm being broken in 2 places and he is now out of the tour.
I can't imagine the agony that this would bring. All the physical training, mental preparation and monetary enpense that has gone into this tour and then to have the rug pulled out from under him is a rotten shame. Alun was going to fly across the pond to join us in L.A in just a little over 2 weeks and now he finds himself out. Although we never met, we were still friends by our mutual goal. Get well fast my friend and I look forward to reading your blog about your 2012 ride.


  1. So totally bummed to have a rider down- and we haven't even started!

  2. Jeff,

    I provided you with my perspective on CrossRoads two years ago. Glad to see you are riding with them. Enjoy the trip!

